
All posts tagged health

Just putting this lot here as a reference for some advice and meal plans.

Although I’m largely omnivorous, I’m currently tending towards being pescatarian and/or a bad vegetarian; going vegan is a step too far for me at the moment, although we’ve just bought some vegan cookbooks, so you never know.


Milton Keynes Superhero Fun Run Winner

Milton Keynes Superhero Fun Run Winner

Welcome to “Richard the Runner”. This is my blog about running.

I hate running.

I have all the gear, but no idea. I’m 52, male, called Richard (obv!) and I’ve been advised by my consultant not to run but to swim and cycle instead as one of my knees has a fair degree of necrosis.

But my bucket list has “run a marathon” on it and I’ve so far managed to enter the Berlin Marathon twice, only to pull out due to injury {sigh} in 2013 and 2014 after my then girlfriend managed a PB around 3:45 (which gave her a “good for age” entry into the London Marathon).

So I’m told I have an automatic entry into the 2015 Berlin Marathon and this is my blog to record my experiences.

Did I mention I hate running?